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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-9825

DO280 v4.12 Ch02s05 User feedback: we neglected to state which version of the app is expected 0.0.6 or 0.0.7 yet on the answer step 5.4 we state 0.0.6


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • DO280 - OCP4.12-en-3-20231130
    • DO280
    • None
    • DO280 Sprint 2

      Please fill in the following information:

      URL: https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/do280-4.12/pages/ch02s05
      Reporter RHNID: tshefi
      Section title: Lab: Deploy Packaged Applications

      Issue description

      On step 5. "Create a second deployment of the chart in the packaged-review-prod namespace, with the prod release name. Copy the values-test.yaml file to the values-prod.yaml file, and set the route host...." we neglected to state which version of the app is expected 0.0.6 or 0.0.7 yet on the answer step 5.4 we state 0.0.6. On the next step 6. again there is no demand to update the version to 0.0.7, yet on 6.2 we see the version bumped to 0.0.7, how would I know this is expected of me without looking at the solution?  

      Steps to reproduce:




      Expected result:

            althomas@redhat.com Allen Thomas
            wraja@redhat.com Wasim Raja
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
