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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-9125

DO280-372: do280-3.5-1 Ch09s08 Lab setup must be run as admin.


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • DO280 - OCP 3.5 1 20170829
    • DO280
    • None
    • ROLE
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/rhz/rhls/course/do280-3.5/ch09s08
      Reporter RHNID: aspurrie
      Section: Outcomes, before Procedure 9.3 Steps - Guided Exercise: Exploring Metrics with the Web Console
      Language: en-US (English)
      Workaround: 1. Open a second teminal window.
      2. log into OpenShift as the "admin" user"
      3. Re-run the lab setup script.
      4. Resume the lab.
      – OR –
      Start the lab by executing the following before the first lab instruction:
      oc login -u admin -p redhat https://master:8443

      Description: The "lab web-console setup" script is not logging into OpenShift as the "admin" user so it inherits the environment the student left it in from the previous exercise which is the "developer" user.

      This leads to the persistent volume storage not being created.  Worse, the script does not show a failure message or it was very easy to over look.

      I suspect this issue also tripped me up on other exercises too but I'm not sure as I just moved on without resolving the exercise.  When it happens multiple times I started to suspect something was wrong.

            rmahroua@redhat.com Razique Mahroua
            andrew.spurrier Andrew Spurrier (Inactive)
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