Resolution: Done
DO280 - OSE 3.0 1 20151019
en-US (English)
Reporter RHNID:
Section: -
Language: en-US (English)
Workaround: My conclusion is that these errors can be ignored.
Description: Chapter 5, Step 1.6,
- enables and starts rpcbind and nfs-server
- if students run systemctl status for rpcbind (nfs-server is OK)
they will see 2 error messages:
Cannot open '/var/lib/rpcbind/portmap.xdr' file for reading, errno 2 (No such file or directory)
Cannot open '/var/lib/rpcbind/rpcbind.xdr' file for reading, errno 2 (No such file or directory)
This error does not seem to impact the lab
BUG 1010579 closed as NOTABUG: READS as follows:
Steve Dickson 2014-10-23 14:05:32 EDT
So restarts and yum updates work rpcbind has to be started with -w
flag which causes all the current port and service state to be
written to a file. So when that file does not exist
during start up, it should be logged.
Add something to IG that lets instructors explain that these error messages can be ignored. Many students will run a "status" after starting/restarting rpcbind and will probably ask.