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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-8941

DO280-69: Make use of UCF - use lab script for nfs server config (catchup) script.


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Can't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • DO280 - OSE 3.0 1 20151019
    • DO280
    • None
    • ILT
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)

      Description: The UCF environment provides a template for setup and grading scripts. See RH124 for a number of use examples. The idea is that a student might told:
      Before you begin:
      reset your server virtual machine then log into server and run the following command: lab wildcards setup
      [Exercise Steps go here teaching students to cp files with *?[] ]
      And then the final step is to grade you exercise by running:
      lab wildcards grade

      The RH270 (Atomic host) class has an example in Unit 8 to run "lab atomic-tools setup" before beginning the exercise.

      While the most common uses of lab are for setup and grade, this script can also be used to advance (catchup or configure) if a student misses a critical step or skips an exercise that is needed as a prereq. Since the template is just a bunch of functions, you can use any verb you want (but please do not use 'setup' to mean "catchup" or for any other optional instructions). Talk to Rob and George about the on going debate of what the proper verb should be for such catch scripts.

      In this class - the lab script can be used to configure the nfs server in labs following the persistent storage unit. Since it does NOT need to be run if the student performed all exercises, use a verb such as configure rather than setup.
      I recommend # lab nfs-server configure

      The platform team has learned through many years of experience that having such scripts (configure, setup, grade, etc) on the central server and pulled on demand works best. It lets the instructor make a correction without having to touch each student machine and therefore also makes it easier to push a fix for VT and ROLE.

            rht-dsilva Douglas Silva (Inactive)
            lauber Susan Lauber
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