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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-8332

DO240-24: User Feedback: ch04s04: step 2. After changing the Product's Authentication Pattern to "App_ID and App_Key Pair" it is worth adding a note mentioning that the previous "user_key" used before the change becomes the default "app_key".


    • 4
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/do240-2.11/pages/ch04s04
      Reporter RHNID: rsoares
      Section: 4.4 - Guided Exercise: Securing APIs with API Keys and API Key-pair Authentication
      Language: en-US (English)

      Description: User suggesting a note as below.

      ch04s04: step 2. After changing the Product's Authentication Pattern to "App_ID and App_Key Pair" it is worth adding a note mentioning that the previous "user_key" used before the change becomes the default "app_key".

      It might take a while to figure out that since the Application's page in the 3scale portal does not show the app_key unless you add a new one by clicking the "Add Custom key" or "Add Random Key" green links.

            mczernek@redhat.com Marek Czernek (Inactive)
            wraja@redhat.com Wasim Raja
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