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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-6945

RH342-8: Practice 6.3 bugs


    • 6
    • ILT
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)

      Description: Instruction says to "solve this problem and get the package installed on servera". Preceding portion of the instructions makes no reference to any packages to the package referred to by the instruction is confusing.

      • STEP 5: I got a different output. My output shows the sudo is at /bin/sudo rather than /usr/bin/sudo.

      [root@servera ~]# su - student
      [student@servera ~]$ sudo wc -l /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      bash: /bin/sudo: Permission denied

      • STEP 6: I got a different output. My output shows the sudo is at /bin/sudo rather than /usr/bin/sudo.

      [student@servera ~]$ which sudo

      • STEP 7: Post <screen> tags narrative states: "It indicates the size, mode, contents, and timestamp of the executeable have changed". This is not true. According to the output within the <screen> tags, the size and mode of the executable is unchanged. Only the contents and timestamp are changed. I got the same output when I ran 'rpm -V sudo' during QA.
      • STEP 7: Post <screen> tags narrative states: "long listing on the file shows that it is now empty". This is not true. The output in the <screen> tags shows that the executable is 130712. I got the same result when I listed the file during QA.
      • STEP 10: In the instruction, 'lab package-dependencies grade' should be 'lab broken-commands grade'

            ghacker_jira George Hacker (Inactive)
            rht-cchang Chen Chang (Inactive)
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