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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-6873

RH342-140: Ch05s11 : lab has issues in step 6 and lab finish does not work


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • RH342 - RHEL8.4-en-3-20230209
    • RH342
    • None
    • 4
    • ROLE
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/rh342-8.4/pages/ch05s11
      Reporter RHNID: ctiwary@redhat.com
      Section: 11 - Lab: Troubleshooting Storage Issues
      Language: en-US (English)

      Description: Ch05s11 : lab has issues in step 6 and if you want to redo the lab exercise : lab finish does not work

      Another internal red hatter reported this : RHT1968738 : " This lab has a bug at the end when it runs the "lab grade". - stderr: ["bunzip2: Can't open input file /tmp/luks.header.old.lab.bz2: No such file or directory.\n"]$ To reproduce, just follow the steps written on the page. Another important detail, when we create the laboratory and wait for all the machines to be active, if the lab start is run right after, the script will not be able to connect because the machines will not be fully started, they will be in networkmanager, and in some cases it is even It was possible to run the script, but several problems in the lab came up like /etc/hosts not containing the information it should. Check that when servers a and b appear as active right after creating the lab, you can check by opening the console and fix this indicator as it could harm the creation of the lab. "

        1. do342issue.png
          54 kB
          Shashi Singh
        2. fineu.png
          150 kB
          Shashi Singh
        3. grading.png
          196 kB
          Shashi Singh
        4. luks.png
          200 kB
          Shashi Singh
        5. RH342_ch5s11.png
          230 kB
          Chetan Tiwary

            rhn-support-acalleja Alex Callejas
            chetan-rhls Chetan Tiwary
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
