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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-6836

RH318-89, Practice: Installing a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Guest - small.cfg takes 60 minutes to install in VT/ROL


    • 7
    • ROLE, VT
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)||||||||

      Description: #REF!

      Description: Installing a new VM using small.cfg takes about 13 minutes in ILT. Although that's about twice as long as it used to take in RHEV 3.1, installing a new VM using small.cfg in ROL/VT takes about X minutes (most of which was: Performing post-installation setup tasks). The %post section of the kickstart file simply adds a line to /etc/issue, creates user student, and sets student's password. During the initial testing of RHEL 7 classroom setups, it was discovered that certain options or changes resulted in classroom installations taking about half as long as they initially did. I believe a nobarrier option was set. While 13 minutes isn't great, it's acceptable. 60 minutes on the other hand isn't acceptable, especially since students need to do installations multiple times during the week. I'm scheduled to teach RH318VT to AT&T next week (August 10th) and possibly the following week (August 17th). I really hope this can be resolved before then.

            rht-cchang Chen Chang (Inactive)
            rht-miphilli Michael Phillips
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
