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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-6534

RH254-69, Clarification - Chapter 9 Configuring MariaDB Databases


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • RH254 - RHEL 7 0
    • RH254 - RHEL 7 0
    • RH254
    • None

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -

      Description: 1-) In the 9.1. Installing MariaDB topic, Relational Databases bridgehead, 7th paragraph (about Postgresql description), the following text isn't clear:
      .. consisting of a people employed by database ..
      I guess you mean: ...consisting of Postgresql users (both individuals and companies), ...

      2-) In the MariaDB Installation bridgehead, 6th paragraph:
      The mariadb-client is a group or an individual package that install all those dependencies?

      3-) In the MariaDB Installation Demonstration bridgehead, second note, it isn't clear:
      The status option will report the last known PID, and that the service is inactive if the database is stopped.
      Do you mean:
      The status option will report the last known PID, even if the service is inactive or the database is stopped.

      4-) In the "MariaDB and Networking" bridgehead, the first paragraph would be better:
      MariaDB can be configured to be accessed remotely or limited to just local connections. (instead of localhost)

      5-) In the "MariaDB and Networking" bridgehead, the second paragraph would be:
      In the first scenario, the database can only be accessed locally. The security is greatly improved because the records ...
      instead of
      In the first scenario, the database can only be accessed locally. In this case, there is greater security ...

      6-) After the first note in the "MariaDB and Networking" a formalpara can be used. Use as a title "Configuring MariaDB Networking" and use:

      MariaDB network configuration directives are found in the /etc/my.cnf file, under the [mysqld] section.
      as the para nested in this formal para.

            wdinyes_jira Will Dinyes (Inactive)
            rhn-gls-rtaniguchi Ricardo Taniguchi
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 15 minutes