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  2. PTL-5906

RH134-601: Issues with ch13 "Run Containers" hands-on activities?


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      Description: Received by rht-sbonnevi as personal message from mrabne@redhat.com on Wed  (12 Jul 2023) 7:33 PM

      Hi Steven. I think I may have found another finish script issue. In this lab, when you run the finish command and then run the start command and ssh back to servera, the /internal and /external directories are still there. https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/rh134-9.0/pages/ch09s04
      Also, in sections 5 and 6, I don't understand how these tests could not work. What does all that typing really accomplish? What is the student actually testing that they can't test as root? https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/rh134-9.0/pages/ch09s04   Crossed-out portion split to PTL-13714 on 25-Jun-2024.
      And one other thing that either I don't understand or this just a typo. In section 7.3 here, it says to remove "both" container images, but then it specifies three container images, right? Or no? https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/rh134-9.0/pages/ch13s04
      (additional feedback, Thu 13 Jul 2023)
      Good morning, Steven. In the steps like 4.2 or 4.5, it might help to offer a bit more of an explanation in the step. for example, 4.2 inspect the image doesn't say to look for anything in partcular. And in step 4.5, it says start the python38 container, but does not mention to name it or to run it detached (even though that was mentioned above). https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/rh134-9.0/pages/ch13s04
      This might make practicing more meaningful. I am practicing by reading the step and keeping the solution scrolled off the screen, but the description does not always match the screenshot of the solution, so it isn't always a useful learning exercise.
      Here is an example: I scroll so I can just see this:

      4.5 Start the `python38` Container

      But the actual exercise is much more detailed. It wants a name, an entry point of sleep infinity, and to run detached.

      {{[student@servera ~]$ podman run -d --name python38 }}
      registry.lab.example.com/ubi8/python-38 sleep infinity

      I know that's kind of the point of the end of chapter lab, but I want all the practice I can get and I want to learn as as I practice as much as possible.

            glsbugs-hybridcloud@redhat.com PTL - RHEL Team
            mrabne@redhat.com Mark Rabne (Inactive)
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