Resolution: Done
RH294 - RHEL 8.4 1 20210818
en-US (English)
URL: https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/rh294-8.4/pages/ch05s03
Reporter RHNID: ctiwary@redhat.com
Section: 3 - Jinja2 テンプレートによるカスタムファイルのデプロイ
Language: en-US (English)||||||||
Description: RHT1726650: discrepancy in Japanese translation as compared to english one :
Ch05s03 - jinja template section.
summary of feedback ticket : The "second line" written in the following sentence is not in the Japanese version (the English version has the first line "# ...") In the following example, the comment is on the first line It is included and will not be included in the final file. The variable reference in the second line is replaced with the value of the referenced system fact. ansible_facts ['default_ipv4'] ['address'] ansible_facts ['hostname']