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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-4995

RH199-85: A better way to make journal persistent


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Can't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • RH199 - RHEL 8 1 20190507
    • RH199 - RHEL 7 1
    • RH199
    • None
    • 9
    • ILT
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)||||||||

      Description: To get the journald persistent a set of steps is described on various places in the course book(s). This involves creating a folder in /var/log called /var/log/journal, setting appropriate permissions and ownership and restart the process with -USR1,

      While reading the documentation of journald, i came across the posiblity to simple configure journald via the config file provided.
      To accomplise the task of making journald persistent, the steps would be:
      1. open /etc/systemd/journald.conf with your favorate editor
      2. remove the '#' on the line with Storage
      3. change on the line 'Storage=auto' into Storage=Persistent
      4. save and exit the editor
      5. reboot the system.

      documentation: man journald.conf

            rht-fallen Fiona Allen
            rmegens Rik Megens (Inactive)
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