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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-4239

CL110-369: Errata in Chapter 7


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • CL110 - RHOSP 13.0 1 20180923
    • CL110
    • None
    • ROLE
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/cl110-13.0/pages/ch07
      Reporter RHNID: camorris@redhat.com, msameer-admin
      Section: ch07 - Describing Features of the Cloud Storage Architecture
      Language: en-US (English)||||||||
      Workaround: Remove the "G"

      Description: Storage in Red Hat OpenStack Platform

      Third paragraph has a typo. There is a "G" that is not required.

      There are two types of storage: ephemeral and persistent . Ephemeral storage includes block disk devices and swap space used in a deployed instance.----> GBy <-------definition, ephemeral storage resources are discarded when their instance is terminated.

            rht-psweany Philip Sweany (Inactive)
            msameer-admin Mohammed Sameer
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
