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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-4238

CL110-293: list of errors in CL110 (from ROLE student)


    • ROLE
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)||||||||

      Description: CLASS DETAILS:

      "CL110: Red Hat OpenStack Administration I - Online Training"



      <Link followed by commentary>


      Centralizing administration and provisioning tasks will eliminate the complexity and fragmentation of IT services. Red Hat CloudForms integrates all of these components into a single administrative portal that reducing(es) manual processing and adding standardization to work environments across the organization.


      Network Processors

      Traditionally, routers were similar to software routers. They moved network packets into their memory, performed various lookups, and then moved the data from memory to the outbound network interface. Switches used to be faster than routers, but modern switches and routers use the same hardware. In fact, most hardware vendors provide switches and routers that can be configured on a per-port basis to either perform switching functions of(or) routing functions.


      Parallelism failure
      Open vSwitch Flow Mode

      Open vSwitch can operate like a classical switch, maintaining a MAC table and (you are comparing classical switches vs. flow mode! This is confusing sentence structure and took me 15s to figure out what was being said here. ) supporting flow mode. In flow mode, various rules are created based on packet-matching criteria to determine which port to use for the outgoing traffic. These rules can be created and later injected into Open vSwitch.

      Should read either

      Open vSwitch can operate like a classical switch, maintaining a MAC table; it can also support flow mode. In flow mode, various rules are created based on packet-matching criteria to determine which port to use for the outgoing traffic. These rules can be created and later injected into Open vSwitch.


      Open vSwitch can operate like a classical switch (by maintaining a MAC table) or it can operate in flow mode. In flow mode, various rules are created based on packet-matching criteria to determine which port to use for the outgoing traffic. These rules can be created and later injected into Open vSwitch.


      In the dashboard, create a 10 GB volume from the rhel7 image named bootable-vol1 using the cloud-dev credentials.

      Log in to the dashboard as cloud-dev using redhat as a password.

      Navigate to Project → Compute → Images and click Create Volume in the menu for the rhel7 image. (Confusing: Select the Dropdown menu for rhel7 and select "Create volume")

      Enter bootable-vol1 in the Name field. Enter 10 in the Size (GB). Click Create Volume.

      "Hello world!" vs "Hello World!"

      Create two objects, a folder object named html and a text file object within it named index.html. In the index.html file, include the single line Hello world!. Once created, upload the objects to the web container.

      [student@workstation ~(keystone_cloud-lab)]$ echo 'Hello World!' > \

      username "cloud-user" needs to be provided somewhere in order for us to be able to run without using the solution!

      Associate the floating IP address with the rhel7-web-public instance. Verify that you can SSH in to the instance with the SSH private key. From the instance, verify that you can ping the external server materials.example.com.

      Lab setup didn't work, and I couldn't find out why - specifically the network and router. When I checked, these resources were duplicated! Same thing happened in the previous ceilometer lab.

      Lab failed to create. Had deleted and reprovisioned lab after C12, so it's fresh. After initial lab, it failed to create properly and the lab setup command for the final lab fail. After manually deleting all of the routers and networks, the lab succeeded.

      Previous lab left Public network after packstack install, seemingly, and required me to manually remove all of those entities in order for me to create the public and subpub subnets.

      Also, there are 5 "default security groups" so this command

      [root@allinone ~(keystone_admin)]# openstack security group rule create \
      --protocol tcp \
      --dst-port 22 \

      fails that there are multiple "default" security groups. Need to be more specific, or the cleanup script should clear these out.


      vnc ssl is missing, making the packstack SSL fail. Solution was found here: https://thaiopen.github.io/sipacloudcourse/packstack.html

      mkdir -p /root/packstackca/certs
      cp /etc/pki/tls/certs/ssl_vnc.crt /root/packstackca/certs/

      Requires manual reset of the compute1 and allinone systems


      Table 14.15. Instance Settings
      Customization script

      yum -y install httpd
      systemctl enable httpd --now
      cd /var/www/html
      curl -O > index.html (else it will only print the contents, not save the file, or we need to install and use wget instead)
      EOF (this is invalid and part of the echo << 'EOF' and should not be here.


      11. Create a file with instructions for cloud-init that uses an existing Swift object, replacing project-id in the object path with the ID obtained in the previous step.

      [student@workstation ~(keystone_cloud-lab)]$ cat <<'EOF' > /home/student/install_httpd


      yum -y install httpd
      systemctl enable httpd --now

      cd /var/www/html
      curl -O http://allinone.lab.example.com:8080/v1/AUTH_project-id/web/html/index.html > index.html (else it will only print the contents, not save the file, or we need to install and use wget instead)
      EOF (this is invalid and part of the echo << 'EOF' and should not be here.


      CONFIG_SSL_CERT_DIR=/root/packstackca setting is graded as "FAIL" in grading if it has a trailing "/", as


      This is perfectly correct and the grader should not incorrectly mark this as failed.


            rht-psweany Philip Sweany (Inactive)
            ghosler Greg Hosler (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
