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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-4103

CL110-343: error in grading script


    • 11
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)||||||||
      Workaround: Either the grading script or the index.html file in the "web" container should be corrected.

      Description: The grading script "lab customize-instance-lab grade" has a bug and this bug causes 4 items to FAIL:

       . Checking web server content locally via http:...............  FAIL
       . Checking web server content locally via https:..............  FAIL
       . Checking web server content externally via http:............  FAIL
       . Checking web server content externally via https:...........  FAIL


      It checks the presence of 'Hello world!' but it should either ignore case or check the presence of 'Hello World!'  (capital "W").

      Relevant part from lab-customize-instance-lab is below:


      if ${ssh} -i /home/student/Downloads/${priv_key} cloud-user@${float} curl http://localhost/index.html | grep -q 'Hello world!'

      There are 4 lines like this to be corrected.

      Also, the "web" container must be "public" but this is reported in another jira.


            snehk_jira Snehangshu Karmakar (Inactive)
            alpaslank Alpaslan Kaplan
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            2 Start watching this issue
