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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-3160

RH124-487: Use a different example to illustrate the . directory


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • RH124 - RHEL 8 1 20190507
    • RH124 - RHEL 8 1 20190507, RH124 - Early Access
    • RH124
    • None
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://rol.redhat.com/rol/rhz/rhls/course/rh124ea-8.0/ch03s03
      Reporter RHNID: mikephillips1973
      Section: files-locate - Specifying Files by Name
      Language: en-US (English)|

      Description: I've never liked our example of "cd ." I would much rather see something like "cp /etc/hosts ." or "mv /tmp/somefile ." but of course we haven't covered cp or mv yet. Maybe we could do something like "touch ./testfile" although that's not better than just typing "touch testfile". None of these are great choices. Maybe we can just get rid of "cd ." and the following "pwd" command and simply add some more to the paragraph above the examples. We might add to the end of the paragraph, "The (.) can also be used when executing a script in the current directory. For example, provided a hello-world script exists in the current directory, you can type ./hello-world to execute it."

            rht-sbonnevi Steven Bonneville
            rht-rkastl Rudolf Kastl (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
