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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-3146

RH124-393: chap 3 lab uses su and tar (haven't taught yet)


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • RH124 - RHEL 8 1 20190507
    • RH124 - RHEL 7 1 20141208, RH124 - RHEL 7 1 20140606
    • RH124
    • None
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)|

      Description: This lab uses "su -" and "tar" and we haven't taught yet. I'm not sure there is a work around, but this course does this fairly often (chicken before egg situation) and it can really make things confusing for students who are brand new to linux. For this particular case, I'm not sure changing units around is a good idea...but maybe just a note in the lab (the tar command unpacks an archive. you will learn this command later. ask your instructor if you get stuck). I always tell my students to just type it in and if it doesn't work, call me over right away. I don't want them to spend too much time debugging that they used a lowercase j, not uppercase, for instance. (Debugging is a great thing, but for new students, they are already holding up the class with their typos as it is, we have to keep moving)

            rht-vcostea Victor Costea (Inactive)
            DanicaP Danica Pascavage-Saydam (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
