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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-2904

RH124-496: Discuss UUOC or other shell coding practices?


    • ILT, ROLE, VT

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      Description: Coverage of stdin redirection in System Admin I (RH124) Chapter 5, section "Redirecting Output to a File or Program" introduces the concept of standard input and redirection in general, but focuses on standard output and standard error. This decision was made in development in order to focus on more-frequently used redirection operators.

      RH255-333 points out, of course, that this means we'll be teaching constructs like the classic "Useless Use of cat" (UUOC) because of this. That is

      [bash ~]$ cat filename | wc -l

      instead of the faster

      [bash ~]$ wc -l < filename

      The arguments for why UUOC might be okay are discussed further in RH254-333. This issue is a placeholder for us to reconsider whether we ought to discuss some of these practices in the content in RH124, or whether that's overkill. This is also related to RH124-381, which also asks whether we should have more coverage of stdin and when one might use it at the RH124 level.

            rht-sbonnevi Steven Bonneville
            rht-sbonnevi Steven Bonneville
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