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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-2299

RH124-412: sa1-review solution corrections


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • RH124 - RHEL 7 3 20170803
    • RH124 - RHEL 7 1 20141208
    • RH124
    • None
    • VT
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)|

      Description: There are a few corrections which need to be made in the solutions for sa1-review:

      Step 4 tells students to "Remove the file owner column", but the solutions for step 4.3 read, "Use the arrow keys to position the cursor at the first character of the group owner column." This should be changed to "...the user owner column" since the grading script checks to see that the user owner column has been deleted.

      Step 14.1 of the solutions shows student becoming root with "su -". The following line which shows that student is now root needs to be changed from "[root@desktopX ~]#" to "[root@serverX ~]#" since the "su -" command was issued by student@serverX.

      Step 16.1 reads, "Connect to the serverX machine as user root by using ssh" and then shows ssh'ing to root@serverX from root@desktopX. However, step 9 has students, "Disable ssh login for the root user and password-based SSH authentication on serverX." Since no desktopX user has created or deployed ssh keys on desktopX, essentially all users will be denied ssh access to serverX. I think step 16.1 could be eliminated. Students are already root@serverX in step 15, so step 16 can already assume this. If we want students to be able to ssh from desktopX to serverX for this step, then step 9 needs to be modified so that student@desktopX generates ssh keys and deploys them to student@serverX. We would also then need to modify step 16.1 to show student@desktopX using ssh to connect to student@serverX and then student@serverX using "su -" to become root@serverX.

      Keep in mind that corrections to the solutions here also need to be made for the sa1-review section in RH299 Volume 2 - Chapter 13.

            rht-sbonnevi Steven Bonneville
            rht-miphilli Michael Phillips
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
