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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-2232

DO378-52: Ch5 LAB: Be clearer about requirements for grading


    • ILT, ROLE, VT
    • en-US (English)

      Reporter RHNID:
      Section: -
      Language: en-US (English)||

      Description: The Evaluation section of the lab in Ch5 requires the Speaker service to be down, and the Session service to be restarted. There is no good explanation why Speaker must be down.

      However, while there is a code example for the restart of the Session service, there is nothing of the sort for Speaker.

      This leads to it being really easy to start grading with the Speaker service up, which of course leads to failed grading.

      Either display the use of Status command:

      Choose an option: 1) Session's PostgreSQL 5) Votes's MongoDB 9) Status
      2) Session 6) Vote 10) Exit
      3) Schedule 7) Frontend
      4) Speaker 8) All
      Choose an option: 9
      PostgreSQL: 038739845e63a41ca074f232c2169efc6611686ab7b436f4763118ece2b47a3b
      Session: 142036
      Schedule: 137821
      {{Speaker: }}
      {{Mongo: }}
      {{Vote: }}
      {{Frontend: }}

      ...or fix the grading script to do so and make sure the services are in correct state prior to grading.

            rht-zgutterman Zachary Gutterman
            gregab@p0f.net Grega Bremec
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
