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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-1839

DO288-251: ch09s02 - Typo on the todo-list service


    • 9
    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/do288-4.6/pages/ch09s02
      Reporter RHNID: carias@redhat.com
      Section: 2 - Lab: Comprehensive Review
      Language: en-US (English)|||||||||
      Workaround: Create and use a Config Map named todo-ssr-host to set the environment variable API_HOST to point to the todo-list service on port 3000.

      Description: The enunciate should make reference to the todo-list service, instead of the todo-backend.

      Create and use a Config Map named todo-ssr-host to set the environment variable API_HOST to point to the todo-backend service on port 3000.



      Also, consider giving a hint about using HTTP protocol in the API_HOST value.

            gls-curriculum-ocp-core@redhat.com PTL - OCP Platform Team
            carias@redhat.com Carlos Arias
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