Resolution: Done
DO374 - RHAAP2.0-en-1-20220126
en-US (English)
URL: https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/do374-2.0/pages/ch06s09
Reporter RHNID: sscheib
Section: 9 -
Language: en-US (English)
Description: Hello team,
During DO374 we are telling the customers that fully qualified collection names (FQCNs) are the way to go forward and one should use FQCNs wherever possible.
At the end of chapter lab of chapter 6, task 3 following instruction is given:
"In the deploy_haproxy.yml playbook, add a copy task that runs before any other task in the play. That task must write the text Playbook site.yml ready to start to the /tmp/site.ready file on the servers in the lb_servers group."
Naturally, one would add the following section to the deploy_haproxy.yml playbook:
- name: Setting the maintenance message
dest: /tmp/site.ready
content: "Playbook site.yml ready to start"
This, however, is according to the grading script (lab grade task-review) wrong and it will report failure. After changing the FQCN of the copy module so the section looks like below, the grading script will report pass:
- name: Setting the maintenance message
dest: /tmp/site.ready
content: "Playbook site.yml ready to start"
In my opinion, both possible module names (FQCN and non-FQCN) should be taken into account for built-in modules during grading. Especially since FQCNs are the recommended best practice. This was not only said multiple times during the DO374 course but goes in accordance with the documentation [1]
It would be grad if that could be fixed
Thanks and all the best,
[1]: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/copy_module.html#examples
- is duplicated by
PTL-1324 DO374-73: ch06s09: The grading fails if we use "ansible.builtin.copy" instead of "copy"
- Closed