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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-13633

DO288: ch08s03 - Improvement on videos - RHT2170913


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      08Please fill in the following information:

      URL: ch08s03
      Reporter RHNID: claudio.palmisano90@gmail.com
      Section title: Lab: Implementing Continuous Integration and Deployment with OpenShift Pipelines
      Language: English

      Issue description

      If this is a course also made to truely understand and learn how to write Tekton Pipeline, you cannot make me say from the instructor "Make sure that the task looks like mine"? This is the way you teach thing at Red Hat? This is just one single case, but I could mention more videos, where you just skip many important basic concepts to understand the topic. This is in not a $9.99 Udemy Course, it's 7000€ subscription. And I could say that many Udemy 9.99€ course are way better than the Red Hat ones. Less focus on Products more attention to truely teaching technologies.

      Steps to reproduce:


      Expected result:

            gls-video@redhat.com GLS Video Production
            carias@redhat.com Carlos Arias
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