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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-13396

ch02s03: ReplicaSet/ReplicationController are not administered by "oc new-app"


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      The section "OpenShift New Application Resources" incorrectly states that oc new-app adds a ReplicaSet/ReplicationController to the current project, which is not true.

      The respective controller (either deployment or deployment config) is the one that creates them, which is also evident from both the command output and the fact both derived resources have a .metadata.ownerReferences attribute, whereas any resource administered by oc new-app (or any other means the user chooses to use to create a resource) does not feature that attribute.

      Perhaps we should expand on these relationships somewhere? I personally end up explaining the controller model in absolutely every delivery of DO180/DO280/DO288, sometimes even in higher level trainings.

      There is also the caveat of getting two replicasets when using oc new-app due to how the image change trigger implementation works with deployments, which does not make sense if we believe replicasets are administered, rather than derived.

            gregab@p0f.net Grega Bremec
            gregab@p0f.net Grega Bremec
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