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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-12723

RH415-9.2 Feedback: ch08s06 step 1.8 fails to start httpd if chapter 3 nbde exercises have been done


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • RH415 - RHEL9.2-en-2-20240306
    • RH415
    • None
    • False
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    • False
    • 3
    • en-US (English)

      Please fill in the following information:

      URL:  https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/rh415-9.2/pages/ch08s06
      Reporter RHNID:  slauber 
      Section Title: "Guided Exercise: Auditing the SELinux Policy"

      Section Id: selinux-auditing-ge ** 

      Issue description:

      step 1.8 fails to start httpd IF chapter 3 nbde exercises have been done.

      error starting httpd is

      (13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address 

      and SELinux message show

      avc: denied { name_bind } for pid=10818 comm="httpd" src=80 scontext=system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:tangd_port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket permissive=0

      Note the tangd_port_t for port 80.

      This is a residual of the nbde_server role. Bug is actually in lab finish luks-review and lab finish luks-nbde.

      The roles used in these exercises add tangd_port_t to port 80 and the finish script does not remove that mapping.  It removes the tangd packages but needs to also run semanage port -d -t tangd_port_t -p tcp 80

      This impacts finish scripts for luks-review cleanup of server[cd] AND luks-nbde cleanup of server[bcd] it breaks selinux-auditing (serverc) and selinux-review (serverd) when those exercises try to start httpd service. (multiple students reported this in class today) 

      Steps to reproduce:

      Perform chapter 3 nbde exercises, then attempt ch08s06.

            rhn-support-acalleja Alex Callejas
            lauber Susan Lauber
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
