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  1. Product Technical Learning
  2. PTL-1238

AD248-183: AD248: Ch03 typo in Running a command from an external script


    • en-US (English)

      URL: https://role.rhu.redhat.com/rol-rhu/app/courses/ad248-7/pages/ch03
      Reporter RHNID: asah, msameer-admin
      Section: ch03 - Configuring JBoss EAP with the Command Line Interface
      Language: en-US (English)|||||||||

      Description: Creating the ticket here as there is no project found for AD248

      Typo/Correction needed in section "Running a command from an external script" for ad248 v7 student guide.

      1. ./jboss-cli.sh -c --controller=localhost:9990 --command="cd /subsystem=datasources,ls"

      Should be:

      1. ./jboss-cli.sh -c --controller=localhost:9990 --commands="cd /subsystem=datasources,ls"


      1. ./jboss-cli.sh -c --controller=localhost:9990 "cd /subsystem=datasources,ls"

      More info:

      Current command shall fail since --command only allows a single operation. only. So the whole argument would be treated as a single command.

      For multiple operations --commands can be used or the cli commands can directly be passed as shown above.

      --command - specifies a single command or an operation that should be
      executed in the CLI session. The CLI will terminate the
      session immediately after the command or the operation has
      been executed. Note: --command argument is optional in a
      sense that any word (or phrase without whitespaces in it)
      will be assumed to be a command (or an operation).

      --commands - specifies a comma-separated list (the list must not contain
      whitespaces) of commands and operations that should be
      executed in the CLI session. The CLI session will be
      automatically terminated as soon as the last command or
      operation has been executed or after the first error. Note:
      --commands argument is optional in a sense that any
      comma-separated list at the end of the argument list will be
      assumed to be the list of commands and operations.

            rruizher Rafael Ruiz Hernandez (Inactive)
            msameer-admin Mohammed Sameer
            0 Vote for this issue
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