
    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None

      User Story:
      As a PSAP engineer, I want that the artifacts generated during the Middleware CI execution to be uploaded to S3, for long term storage.

      This export should be optional, and enabled only/mostly for CPT tests executed as part of the RHOAI QE's pipeline.

      Acceptance criteria:

      The Jenkins job of the Middleware CI engine should have a tick box to activate the export of the artifacts
      The Jenkins job of the Middleware CI engine should call TOPSAIL export_artifacts entrypoint of the current project, with the directory of to upload as parameter

      • the TOPSAIL projects should expose the export_artifacts entrypoint
        • KServe
        • Notebooks
          the TOPSAIL projects export_artifacts entrypoint should upload the directory received as parameter into a S3 bucke
        • the target bucket should be configured as part of the project configuration
        • the path in the bucket should be unique and well defined, so that the URL can be computed and included in the LTS payload (the generation and export of the LTS payload happens before the export)

            kpouget2 Kevin Pouget
            kpouget2 Kevin Pouget
            Kevin Pouget
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            1 Start watching this issue
