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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-68

Update Quay to Python 3.8


    • Update Quay to Python 3.8
    • To Do
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done

      Potential tasks:

      • Create branches for quay.io and python3
      • Switch to ubi8 base image
      • Updating azure storage packages will require code changes
      • Run py27 to py36 tool ("2to3" come w/ python3) - PROJQUAY-84
      • Clean up 2to3 output (eg. list around list)
      • Remove python SCL usage
      • Change 'black' to py36 - PROJQUAY-84
      • Determine list of packages and versions (for OSBS)
      • Replace resumablehashlib with Python3-compatible solution - PROJQUAY-98
      • When in OSBS, automate downstream builds
      • Update github PR template to include "new packages?" checkbox
      • See if flake8 is useful - PROJQUAY-85
      • Update Dockerfiles to use Python3
      • Clean up CI scripting/ecosystem to use Python3 - PROJQUAY-96

      Next phase tasks:

      • mypy for static type annotations

            Unassigned Unassigned
            tomckay@redhat.com Thomas Mckay (Inactive)
            Dongbo Yan Dongbo Yan
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
