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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-5617

[3.7] Project Quay unable to mirror registry.ci.openshift.org


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      Using Project Quay 3.7.8 create an organization called "openshiftio", in configuration settings, configure remote registry to point to "registry.ci.openshift.org/origin". DO NOT enter any username/password and click Save. You will get the error. As a point of comparison try to pull using podman:

      $ podman pull registry.ci.openshift.org/origin/something-totally-fake:pull --log-level=debug

      You will get a "name unknown" error, not a login failed error.

      Using Project Quay 3.7.8 create an organization called "openshiftio", in configuration settings, configure remote registry to point to "registry.ci.openshift.org/origin". DO NOT enter any username/password and click Save. You will get the error. As a point of comparison try to pull using podman: ``` $ podman pull registry.ci.openshift.org/origin/something-totally-fake:pull --log-level=debug ``` You will get a "name unknown" error, not a login failed error.

      Backport PROJQUAY-4585 to Quay 3.7

            hgovinda Harish Govindarajulu
            mdeneve@redhat.com Mark DeNeve
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
