Resolution: Done
Description of problem:
Gitlab push operation can't trigger build process in IPv6 environment.
When click `push test` in gitlab webhook page, got 500 error. It seems gitlab webhook can't support IPv6 well.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
quay v3.8.0
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. deploy quay 3.8
2. configure gitlab build trigger
# cat config.yaml ........ FEATURE_BUILD_SUPPORT: true FEATURE_GITLAB_BUILD: true GITLAB_TRIGGER_CONFIG: CLIENT_ID: b17....f52 CLIENT_SECRET: bb....9 GITLAB_TRIGGER_KIND: GITLAB_ENDPOINT: https://gitlab.com/ BUILDMAN_HOSTNAME: quayregistry-quay-builder-quay-enterprise.apps.whuipv602.qe.devcluster.openshift.com:443 BUILD_MANAGER: - ephemeral - ALLOWED_WORKER_COUNT: 20 ORCHESTRATOR_PREFIX: buildman/production/ ORCHESTRATOR: REDIS_HOST: quayregistry-quay-redis REDIS_PASSWORD: "" REDIS_SSL: false REDIS_SKIP_KEYSPACE_EVENT_SETUP: false EXECUTORS: - EXECUTOR: kubernetesPodman DEBUG: true NAME: openshift BUILDER_NAMESPACE: virtual-builds SETUP_TIME: 180 QUAY_USERNAME: '|....6' QUAY_PASSWORD: e......8 BUILDER_CONTAINER_IMAGE: brew.registry.redhat.io/rh-osbs/quay-quay-builder-rhel8:v3.8.0 # Kubernetes resource options K8S_API_SERVER: api.whuipv602.qe.devcluster.openshift.com:6443 K8S_API_TLS_CA: /conf/stack/extra_ca_certs/build_cluster.crt VOLUME_SIZE: 8G KUBERNETES_DISTRIBUTION: openshift CONTAINER_MEMORY_LIMITS: 1G CONTAINER_CPU_LIMITS: 1000m CONTAINER_MEMORY_REQUEST: 1G CONTAINER_CPU_REQUEST: 500m NODE_SELECTOR_LABEL_KEY: "" NODE_SELECTOR_LABEL_VALUE: "" SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME: quay-builder SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN: ey......PEQ USERFILES_LOCATION: default USERFILES_PATH: userfiles
3. create new commit in gitlab repository
4. check quay build repository to make sure a new build process be triggered
Actual results:
New push operation in gitlab can't trigger new build process in quay
Expected results:
New push operation in gitlab can trigger new build process in quay
Additional info:
Did not find gitlab official declaration about not support webhook against IPv6 in the latest gitlab 15.4 document.
In latest gitlib official document, just declare IPv6 site-local (ffc0::/10) addresses aren't allowed to local network.
But some customers filed bugs to gitlab for reporting webhook dosen't support IPv6 two years ago.
whatever, did a real test in gitlab webhook page, got below result.
Tirgger `push test` in gitlab webhook page, got 500 error
Callback URL
: https://quayregistry-quay-quay-enterprise.apps.whuipv602.qe.devcluster.openshift.com/oauth2/gitlab/callback/trigger
It seems webhook can't work well against IPv6 callback URL.
Push operation in Bitbucket can trigger a new build process in IPv6 environment successfully.
- relates to
PROJQUAY-4383 Configure GitHubBuildTrigger in IPV6 environment unsuccessfully
- Closed