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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-3440

Quay PatternFly Based UI


    • Icon: Feature Feature
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • None
    • quay
    • False
    • False
    • XL


      • Develop a new PatternFly based UI to replace Quay's existing Angular web interface
      • Host this new UI as a separate deployment that talks to Quay via its API layer
      • Make this UI usable via container-only Quay, Quay running on OpenShift, and hosted Quay behind HAC.
      • Full details on the UI breakdown can be found here

      Why is this important?

      • The underlying codebase is fragile and relies on very old Javascript libraries that are challenging to use and impossible to keep up to date with security patches.
      • Quays visual appearance is disconnected from the rest of the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud product portfolio, specifically OpenShift
      • the current UI leaves a lot of potential benefits on the table to help administrators with intuitive and effective management, especially batch actions
      • Quay will get numerous new user-facing features in the future that we do not want to have to implement in the old Angular UI framework

      High-level acceptance criteria

      The UI...

      1. has 1:1 feature parity with the current Quay web UI, not visual parity
      2. is modular enough to be used in standalone Quay deployments using containers on RHEL, in pods on OpenShift managed by the operator or as part of HAC on console.redhat.com
      3. aligns with the visual style and language of OpenShift Container Platform and ACM
      4. is supported on all modern browsers
      5. does not introduce dependencies with unfixed CVEs

      Open questions:


            hgovinda Harish Govindarajulu
            bdettelb@redhat.com Bill Dettelback
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            5 Start watching this issue
