Resolution: Done
[Quay] Quay UI rewrite in PatternFly - phase 1
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Admin UXD Sprint 215, Admin UXD Sprint 216, Admin UXD Sprint 217, Admin UXD Sprint 218, Admin UXD Sprint 220, Admin UXD Sprint 221, Admin UXD Sprint 223, Admin Sprint 224, Admin Sprint 225
- The Quay UI needs to be converted to PatternFly and needs some UI paradigms modernized, like bulk selection, search, and better conveyed object/screen hierarchy. This "Phase 1" effort is to convert a sufficient amount of screens so that the new UI is useful to superusers who want to manage their on-prem quay instances. This MVP UI will be a standalone UI for the on-prem case only.
- The existing Quay UI is the original CoreOS code and has become dated over the last ~10 years. The Quay UI is due for a refresh in organization and also converting to PF to be more consistent with other Red Hat products.
- Exploration should begin as to what the Quay UI would look like in PF and how it should be organized.
- We may also want to consider whether/how this refreshed Quay UI could relate to the OpenShift Hybrid Console initiative, which in some ways could be considered the UI for "OpenShift Platform Plus" (of which Quay is a part).
- katejohnson has run a research study which will help influence the new Quay IA, a diary study with existing Quay enterprise users, summarized here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14-XwwLYts1z6ELQe2zDJ71yBxdbqq7bX844bbiMFt7s/edit
- More background can be found in the expository design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-R0WEv1EUxVGIOiBn09eyXIxFLTzzlKzkHjPH_7kh1k/edit?usp=sharing
Outcome - definition of done
Provide updated quay UI designs to the engineering team for implementation
This marvel is intended to help map designs stories in this epic to specific screens, it does not reflect the latest design for each individual screen, however: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/17cd548j/screen/87063840
- clones
PD-1071 [Quay] Quay UI rewrite in PatternFly - Exploration
- Closed
- is incorporated by
PROJQUAY-3865 Phase 1: MVP UI for Normal & Superusers
- Closed
- is related to
PD-1344 [Quay] Quay UI rewrite in PatternFly - Phase 2 UI Parity
- Closed
PROJQUAY-3440 Quay PatternFly Based UI
- Closed
- relates to
PROJQUAY-3426 Quay.io UI Migration to the Hybrid Application Console (HAC)
- Closed
PD-1353 [Quay] Robots management
- Closed