Resolution: Done-Errata
Usage / Quota Reporting
BU Product Work
To Do
PROJQUAY-6140 - Auto-Pruning Policies for Repositories
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Customer Problem: In many customer environments the most active clients of a central registry are automated systems like CI / CD pipelines producing new content. With strict consumption quotas in place it is possible to hit outage scenarios caused by quota limit being reached which requires human intervention to be resolved The intervention often looks the same, for example deleting the oldest images to free up space. In case of automated systems these situations will be hit regularly and it is desireable to avoid them from the start with automatic remediation.
Goal: Help Quay tenants to stay below the quota by automatically pruning content based on user-defined criteria.
Why is this important
- enabling storage quotas requires human intervention in order to stay below the quota or remediate quota excess conditions
- automated systems usually don't have clean up built in, they simply produce a never ending stream of new content
- especially development environments produce a lot of content which is versioned according to semver rules providing an opportunity to use semantics to determine old content
Prioritized deliverables (work-in-progress):
- As a Quay organization owner I can define auto-pruning policies at the level of the organization to target one or more repositories in that organizations
- As a Quay repository owner I can define auto-pruning policies at the level of the repository to target one or more of my repositories in that organization
- Auto-pruning policies can be event-driven, e.g. reaching a certain threshold of the storage quota or permanently running
- Multiple pruning policies (e.g. for the same event) can be defined and are processed in order of their creation
- Pruning policies can have different criteria that define when an image should be deleted: time-based rules and tag-based rules
- Time-based rules cause the oldest images to be deleted first: either by creation date or last pull date
- Tag-based rules cause the oldest images to be deleted first according to semantic version information found in the tag, lowest version first
- As a user I can see a warning telling me that until we have insights on where the images is used (deployed as a pod or referenced by a CR) the automated pruning might cause issues on the cluster side.
- As a user I can define a maximum amount of tags / images inside a repo to ensure that for example only the 5 most recent versions are kept and the rest gets deleted automatically.
- original customer RFE: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/QUAY-1145
Dependencies (internal and external):
PROJQUAY-302- We need a pull counter in Quay
Estimate (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL): TBD
Previous Work:
Open questions:
- should we consider pruning policies to be focussed on retention rather than deletion?
- clones
PROJQUAY-302 Quota Management & Enforcements
- Closed
- is duplicated by
PROJQUAY-214 Add tag retention rule by images revision
- Closed
PROJQUAY-3151 Pruning of images based on last-time pulled timestamp
- Closed
- is related to
PROJQUAY-3063 As a Quay admin I want to leverage storage quota limits to keep the size of a proxy organization within certain bounds
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:128246 Red Hat Quay v3.11.0 bug fix release