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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-2271

Add OCI Source Image Mime Type to defaults in Quay


    • False
    • False
    • Added the application/vnd.oci.source.image.config.v1+json mime type to the config.py file.

      With 3.6.0 support for custom OCI mime types, we should also add the following type to support source containers- this will be important when we re-base quay.io so that RH can use it to hold source containers.

        "schemaVersion": 2,

      {     "mediaType": "*application/vnd.oci.source.image.config.v1+json*",     "digest": "sha256:4abb592db45b727aa2ba0b0740efe62cfc26f4aa0bf8d4cc0022a25837ec6952",     "size": 49   }

        "layers": ...

      Lets add this to both Quay's internal default as well as ConfigTool.


      Acceptance Criteria:

      • For context source images are created using buildah:
        • buildah source create new-source-image && buildah source add new-source-image path/to/repository
      • Must be able to push source images to quay with mime type of `application/vnd.oci.source.image.config.v1+json`
        • Ex. buildah source push new-source-image localhost:8080/admin/new-source-image:latest
      • Must be able to pull images of mime type `application/vnd.oci.source.image.config.v1+json` using buildah
        • Ex. buildah source pull localhost:8080/admin/new-source-image:latest

            bcaton@redhat.com Brandon Caton
            bdettelb@redhat.com Bill Dettelback
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