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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-213

Mirroring should cover organization level, not only repos level


      Business Status

      The customer are looking for a enterprise on-premise container registry solution. Total number of sites is 3, and the repos is over 100 per site.

      Currently, the customer had tried Quay 3.2 in their dev environment and give us some feedback.

      Current status

      Quay only can mirror repos level, for example

      quay.io/pichuang/centos -> quay.internal/golden-image/centos  //it is work
      quay.io/pichuang/* -> quay.internal/golden-image/*  //it is not support


      list all of the repos and use skopeo + ansible (or shell script) to mirror all container images.

      Customer need

      • As a Quay administrator, I'd like to mirror all repos under the organization, so that I don't need to set-up the repos configuration 1 by 1.
      • As a Quay administrator, I'd like to set-up organization level mirroring, so that I don't need to mirror and maintain those images manually.

              DanielMesser Daniel Messer
              pihuang@redhat.com Ping Chun Huang (Inactive)
              5 Vote for this issue
              13 Start watching this issue
