Resolution: Done
This is an issue found when config Quay build manager to launch quay builder worker, following docs deploy Quay with TNG Operator, provided required configuration "FEATURE_BUILD_SUPPORT: true" and "Github trigger config", see config,yaml as following. After quay was deployed successfully, edit the quay-config-secret, to add required BUIILD_MANAGER configuration, redeploy Quay POD. The result after create new build Job, the Job is stuck at "Waiting for available build worker", checked AWS Console, the expected EC2 instance was not provisioning.
Docs: https://github.com/quay/quay/blob/master/buildman/README.md
Quay Image:
lizhang@lzha-mac quay3.4 % oc get pod quaybuilder-quay-app-565cf8c5f5-7w9m2 -o json | jq '.spec.containers[0].image' "registry.redhat.io/quay/quay@sha256:12434420fa3ca1df4654bf6d08c8980b1209b13fbfe8336fd9b1ef6f04cc4c75"
Quay config.yaml to deploy quay with TNG Operator:
SUPER_USERS: - quay - admin DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG: default: - S3Storage - host: s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com port: "443" s3_access_key: **** s3_bucket: quay340 s3_secret_key: **** storage_path: /quay3401113 DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS: - default DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE: - default FEATURE_BUILD_SUPPORT: true FEATURE_GITHUB_BUILD: true GITHUB_TRIGGER_CONFIG: API_ENDPOINT: https://api.github.com/ CLIENT_ID: **** CLIENT_SECRET: **** GITHUB_ENDPOINT: https://github.com/
Updated quay config.yaml from quay-config-secret:
ALLOW_PULLS_WITHOUT_STRICT_LOGGING: false AUTHENTICATION_TYPE: Database BUILDLOGS_REDIS: host: quaybuilder-quay-redis port: 6379 DATABASE_SECRET_KEY: 1AC0q8i4voTx2vb3-XfVkFGTJbSENTJlfqonX1EeyUnsL6ROHagGDfB2WGha00NPUmkqc333lpBSUdlV DB_CONNECTION_ARGS: autorollback: true threadlocals: true DB_URI: postgresql://quaybuilder-quay-database:postgres@quaybuilder-quay-database:5432/quaybuilder-quay-database DEFAULT_TAG_EXPIRATION: 2w DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG: default: - S3Storage - host: s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com port: "443" s3_access_key: **** s3_bucket: quay340 s3_secret_key: **** storage_path: /quay3401113 DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS: - default DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE: - default ENTERPRISE_LOGO_URL: /static/img/quay-horizontal-color.svg FEATURE_BUILD_SUPPORT: true FEATURE_DIRECT_LOGIN: true FEATURE_GITHUB_BUILD: true FEATURE_MAILING: false FEATURE_REPO_MIRROR: true FEATURE_SECURITY_NOTIFICATIONS: true FEATURE_SECURITY_SCANNER: true GITHUB_TRIGGER_CONFIG: API_ENDPOINT: https://api.github.com/ CLIENT_ID: **** CLIENT_SECRET: **** GITHUB_ENDPOINT: https://github.com/ PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME: https REGISTRY_TITLE: Quay REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT: Quay REPO_MIRROR_INTERVAL: 30 REPO_MIRROR_TLS_VERIFY: true SECRET_KEY: M-b4mukLnJGoD6PjzQuBsNjYar0cQCJylvK5NKXaubQtixStW3JnKMYSvYeWeBy7gRi1fhC2vjwhgY2V SECURITY_SCANNER_INDEXING_INTERVAL: 30 SECURITY_SCANNER_V4_ENDPOINT: http://quaybuilder-clair:80 SECURITY_SCANNER_V4_NAMESPACE_WHITELIST: - admin SECURITY_SCANNER_V4_PSK: RHZvMkZma1hjS1lpNjVIV0hPS2dTczVlRTA0Y0plNTc= SERVER_HOSTNAME: quaybuilder-quay-quaybuilder.apps.quay-perf-399.perf-testing.devcluster.openshift.com SETUP_COMPLETE: true SUPER_USERS: - quay - admin TAG_EXPIRATION_OPTIONS: - 2w TEAM_RESYNC_STALE_TIME: 60m TESTING: false USER_EVENTS_REDIS: host: quaybuilder-quay-redis port: 6379 BUIILD_MANAGER: - ephemeral - ORCHESTRATOR_PREFIX: buildman/production/ ORCHESTRATOR: REDIS_HOST: quayldap.perf-testing.devcluster.openshift.com REDIS_SKIP_KEYSPACE_EVENT_SETUP: false ALLOWED_WORKER_COUNT: 10 EXECUTORS: - EXECUTOR: ec2 QUAY_USERNAME: quay QUAY_PASSWORD: password WORKER_IMAGE: brew.registry.redhat.io/rh-osbs/quay-quay-builder@sha256:33edfa733680e05a2e0a5db6ece3493f561738d528f2cc766dc2f9dd75b8bb6c WORKER_TAG: master SETUP_TIME: 180 MINIMUM_RETRY_THRESHOLD: 1 EC2_REGION: us-east-1 COREOS_AMI: ami-02545325b519192df AWS_ACCESS_KEY: **** AWS_SECRET_KEY: **** EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE: t2.large EC2_VPC_SUBNET_ID: subnet-0af5f148f51e27743 EC2_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS: - sg-08f48936517b03a70 EC2_KEY_NAME: quaybuild1113 BLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE: 58
- Deploy Quay with TNG Operator with including GitHub Trigger Config settings
- Login Quay and create new super user quay
- decode the config.yaml from quay-config-secret
- add BUIILD_MANAGER to the config.yaml and encode with base64
- Update quay-config-secret to include "BUIILD_MANAGER" with "oc edit secretquaybuilder-quay-config-secret-k98khc4kf5"
- Redeploy Quay POD
- Create new image repository
- Create new Github build trigger, fill all required settings
- Submit commit to the Github repository
- Wait to see new build generated
- The build is stuck at "Waiting for available build worker"
- Check AWS EC2 console
Expected Results:
New AWS EC2 instance should be provisioning and new build worker was running to process the build job
Actual Results:
not found the expected EC2 instance was provisioning, and build job is stuck at "Waiting for available build worker"
- is documented by
PROJQUAY-1362 Documentation should describe how to configure quay builder in detail
- Closed