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  1. OpenShift Pod Autoscaling
  2. PODAUTO-65

Failed to install Vertical Pod Autoscaler Operator on Hypershift guest cluster


    • 3
    • False
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    • False
    • Rejected

      Description of problem:
      Failed to install Vertical Pod Autoscaler Operator on Hypershift guest cluster due to "0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector".

      # oc get csv
      NAME                                         DISPLAY                 VERSION               REPLACES   PHASE
      verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   VerticalPodAutoscaler   4.14.0-202307211703              Failed
      # oc get pod
      NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator-77d48459fc-kjz9l   0/1     Pending   0          134m
      # oc get event
      LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON                OBJECT                                                             MESSAGE
      133m        Warning   AppliedWithWarnings   installplan/install-hftfn                                          1 warning(s) generated during installation of operator "verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703" (CustomResourceDefinition "verticalpodautoscalers.autoscaling.k8s.io"): autoscaling.k8s.io/v1beta2 API is deprecated
      167m        Normal    Killing               pod/vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator-74c8f9bd77-8kbtx              Stopping container vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator
      133m        Warning   FailedScheduling      pod/vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator-77d48459fc-kjz9l              0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
      3m41s       Normal    NotTriggerScaleUp     pod/vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator-77d48459fc-kjz9l              pod didn't trigger scale-up:
      8m4s        Warning   FailedScheduling      pod/vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator-77d48459fc-kjz9l              0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
      133m        Normal    SuccessfulCreate      replicaset/vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator-77d48459fc             Created pod: vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator-77d48459fc-kjz9l
      133m        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet     deployment/vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator                        Scaled up replica set vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator-77d48459fc to 1
      167m        Warning   RequirementsNotMet    clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   requirements no longer met
      133m        Normal    RequirementsUnknown   clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   requirements not yet checked
      133m        Normal    RequirementsNotMet    clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   one or more requirements couldn't be found
      128m        Normal    AllRequirementsMet    clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   all requirements found, attempting install
      128m        Normal    InstallSucceeded      clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   waiting for install components to report healthy
      128m        Normal    InstallWaiting        clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   installing: waiting for deployment vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator to become ready: waiting for spec update of deployment "vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator" to be observed...
      128m        Normal    InstallWaiting        clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   installing: waiting for deployment vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator to become ready: deployment "vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator" not available: Deployment does not have minimum availability.
      123m        Warning   InstallCheckFailed    clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   install timeout
      128m        Normal    NeedsReinstall        clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   installing: waiting for deployment vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator to become ready: deployment "vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator" not available: Deployment does not have minimum availability.
      123m        Warning   InstallCheckFailed    clusterserviceversion/verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703   install failed: deployment vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator not ready before timeout: deployment "vertical-pod-autoscaler-operator" exceeded its progress deadline
      162m        Normal    NotTriggerScaleUp     pod/vpa-admission-plugin-default-67465dd587-5tmn2                  pod didn't trigger scale-up:
      163m        Warning   FailedScheduling      pod/vpa-admission-plugin-default-67465dd587-5tmn2                  0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
      162m        Warning   FailedScheduling      pod/vpa-admission-plugin-default-67465dd587-5tmn2                  skip schedule deleting pod: openshift-vertical-pod-autoscaler/vpa-admission-plugin-default-67465dd587-5tmn2
      162m        Normal    NotTriggerScaleUp     pod/vpa-recommender-default-65c4f5f6fd-hq45j                       pod didn't trigger scale-up:
      163m        Warning   FailedScheduling      pod/vpa-recommender-default-65c4f5f6fd-hq45j                       0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
      162m        Warning   FailedScheduling      pod/vpa-recommender-default-65c4f5f6fd-hq45j                       skip schedule deleting pod: openshift-vertical-pod-autoscaler/vpa-recommender-default-65c4f5f6fd-hq45j
      162m        Normal    NotTriggerScaleUp     pod/vpa-updater-default-7cdbc85c68-lp8g6                           pod didn't trigger scale-up:
      163m        Warning   FailedScheduling      pod/vpa-updater-default-7cdbc85c68-lp8g6                           0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
      162m        Warning   FailedScheduling      pod/vpa-updater-default-7cdbc85c68-lp8g6                           skip schedule deleting pod: openshift-vertical-pod-autoscaler/vpa-updater-default-7cdbc85c68-lp8g6

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OCP version: 4.14.0-rc.0
      VPA version: verticalpodautoscaler.v4.14.0-202307211703

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      Install Vertical Pod Autoscaler on HyperShift guest cluster 

      Actual results:

      The Vertical Pod Autoscaler pod will be stuck at "Pending" status due to "0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling."

      Expected results:

      The Vertical Pod Autoscaler operator should deploy successfully on HyperShift guest cluster

      Additional info:

      Must gather logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iSEQIIs5wMWT3nbeZkBTCVerHLkmi9RX/view?usp=sharing

            joelsmith.redhat Joel Smith
            vahirwad Varad Ahirwadkar
            Jie Zhao Jie Zhao
            1 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
