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  1. OpenShift Pod Autoscaling
  2. PODAUTO-20

Enable installing CMA on OSD/ROSA using the any( non openshift-*) namespace


    • 5
    • False
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    • False
    • OCPSTRAT-882 - CMA Operator on ROSA allows the user of arbitrary namespace name
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      Previous versions of Custom Metrics Autoscaler had to be installed in the openshift-keda namespace. This prevented it from being able to be installed on some managed clusters, such as Red Hat OpenShift AWS (ROSA). This version of Custom Metrics Autoscaler now allows installation to other namespaces such as openshift-operators or keda.
      Previous versions of Custom Metrics Autoscaler had to be installed in the openshift-keda namespace. This prevented it from being able to be installed on some managed clusters, such as Red Hat OpenShift AWS (ROSA). This version of Custom Metrics Autoscaler now allows installation to other namespaces such as openshift-operators or keda.
    • Enhancement
    • Proposed
    • WINC - Sprint 241, WINC - Sprint 242, PODAUTO - Sprint 243

      Privileged namespaces are blocked by webhook.  The list is (as of right now in 'master' branch):
      And is documented here: https://docs.openshift.com/rosa/sd_support/rosa-managed-resources.html#rosa-managed-resources-all
      That being said, it's exactly these kinds of namespace requirements that have forced this nuance in what namespaces are blocked instead of relying on some regex.  There is a strong preference to not rely on a specific namespace for installation, instead support running in any namespace, so that customer has flexibility on how an operator is deployed.





      From the SRE organization, we would like to be able to use CMA on OpenShift Dedicated / ROSA.

      slack thread: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C02F1J9UJJD/p1681910687628799


      We are reluctant to use the openshift-keda installation method since it doesn't scale if every operator out there should be installed in it's own namespace. in OSD/ROSA, cluster admins are prevented from creating `openshift-` namespaces.

      We would prefer to have a working installation via the openshift-operators namespace.

      Such an installation currently fails with the following error:

      container has runAsNonRoot and image has non-numeric user (nobody), cannot verify user is non-root 

            joelsmith.redhat Joel Smith
            mafriedm Maor Friedman
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            14 Start watching this issue
