Resolution: Done
8.0 backwards incompatible changes
For 9.0 look at https://issues.redhat.com/browse/PLANNER-2295
It's a few years before we'll get to 8.0, but we need to start gathering these now as 7.0 is going into CR1.
Radovan' list:
- ValueSelectorConfig.variableName should no longer work as a nested element too. (
PLANNER-2026) - Rename AcceptorConfig to LocalSearchAcceptorConfig (similarly for deciders, foragers)... (
Unassigned list:
- Ideally, for 8.0 (or 9.0) we remove all non-getter/setters of the config classes while we internalize the SolverConfig in the SolverFactory. (maybe Radovan)
Things to consider:
- directory name != artifactId to avoid windows path 260 issue and to have quarkus/spring a submodule of integration
- Rename <scoreDirectorFactory> to <scoring>?
- Rename ScoreManager to SolutionManager to accomodate retriggerAllVariableListeners() too? (Are we giving the users a way to shoot them in the foot? Can we not just retrigger them every time? It's an ugly duckling: retriggerAllVariableListeners(), calculateScore(), getIndictmentMap(), ...)
- incorporates
PLANNER-1575 Deprecate/remove reinitializeVariableEntityFilter
- Resolved
PLANNER-838 (Pillar)SwapMoveSelectorConfig: Wrap <variableNameInclude> in <variableNameIncludes> (8.0)
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
PLANNER-1964 Branching towards 8.0
- Resolved
- is related to
PLANNER-1316 ScoreDirector.retriggerAllVariableListeners() or another way to easily update all shadow variables after loading data that doesn't contain them
- Resolved