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  1. OpenShift UX Product Design
  2. PD-827

[OLM] Operator blue sky: Guide admins & devs to the UIs that operators enable - Exploration pt.2


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • OLM
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Console UXD Sprint 197, Console UXD Sprint 198, Console UXD Sprint 199


      • This is a continuation of the work from PD-583, which was a story under the same name, but became focused on only admin users locating quick starts related to the operator they just installed. While a valid use case of this overall story, it seems to be just one of several and there is still use for admins to locate specific in console UI links and also external links after an operator is installed. Also, consideration should be given as to how developer users also access the same types of quick starts and links, as they will often be primary users of these operators and operands as well.
      • Determine what types of information we'd like to surface to which user personas
      • Create rough ideas of what in-console UI element(s) could be used to surface that information
      • Solicit feedback on which of the user/info type/location combinations are most useful in the near term to (operator) designers and PMs, then create design stories specific to those




      Outcome - definition of done

      • Determine who/what/where operator quick starts and access to UIs can be surfaces
      • Create rough mocks of each location
      • Share findings at IxD meeting(s), stakeholder meeting(s), etc to see which combinations are most useful to operators
      • Create High Level Design stories for viable locations


      Design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gSf2rsq3panihyFAhQq_S7bjbzvVD9MF-iqeB-eXn94/edit?usp=sharing 

            pkreuser Peter Kreuser
            pkreuser Peter Kreuser
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