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  1. OpenShift UX Product Design
  2. PD-1631

UX design for improving OSD purchase (via GCP marketplace) to provisioning workflow


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
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    • OCM
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      This ticket for XCMSTRAT-57: OSD purchase through the GCP Marketplace. Even though some users/customers may first land on the OSD product listing in the GCP Marketplace, they will have to be redirected to OCM for the cluster provisioning workflow. The current GCP Marketplace experience is prone to user errors as they may end up launching VMs with the GCP marketplace images but not really OSD clusters, which is the primary goal. 

      Below steps describe this problem in detail. The goal of this ticket is to have some UX design mockups for improving the purchase to provisioning workflow. Note: in the below screenshots, an OCP product listing is GCP Marketplace is taken as an example, but the same applies for OSD as well. 

      1. First time the GCP Marketplace user lands on the product listing, they will be presented with the "Get Started" button.  

      2. Once the user agrees to the Google Cloud terms and agreements presented in the "Get Started", now a "Launch" button is seen on the product listing. 


      3. For sample purposes, I am sharing a screenshot of the OCP product listing which has the "Launch" button. 

      4. Clicking "Launch" will take user through the VM deployment wizard for the corresponding product listing (as shown below for OCP). 


      The important point to note here is that creating the VM instances through the "Launch" wizard is not the correct set of steps to be followed for OCP as well as OSD cluster creation. In case of OSD, the user will have to be redirected to OpenShift Cluster Manager (OCM) and particularly into the OSD create cluster wizard (if possible with the Marketplace-GCP billing model auto-selected). To support this, we are adding text in the product listing's overview sections (sample screenshots below). 

      Text added to OCP product listing Overview section (check first paragraph and point #2):

      And here's the sample text planned to be added to the OSD product listing:

      As you can see, this approach is not great from the user experience point of view and prone to errors i.e. users may neglect Red Hat recommendation and end up continuing with the "Launch" wizard hoping that is the correct cluster provisioning workflow. 

      Requesting the UX team to help with some design mockups which could improve this purchase to provisioning workflow for OSD through the GCP Marketplace. One way to improve this experience could be:- When user hit "Launch", there is a pop-up that warns users about the redirection to the OCM for cluster creation. Requesting UX team to build on this and other possibilities, which can then be shared with the Google Cloud Marketplace team for the final implementation. 


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              khatchou Kevin Hatchoua
              rh-ee-smulkutk Shreyans Mulkutkar
              Abhishek Gupta
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
