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  1. OpenShift UX Product Design
  2. PD-1503

[ROSA] Intercom - Examine Intercom features and determine use for ROSA experience


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Admin UXD Sprint 234, Admin UXD Sprint 235


      The Golden Path Story describes two Intercom usecases:

      PD-1501 captures "When he lands on the Red Hat console in the ROSA section, he receives an automated welcome notification in-console. The notification provides digital getting started material for ROSA, Containers and building AI applications."

      PD-1502 captures "David runs into a failure during the process of creating his first cluster and receives a real time, in-console recommendation for error resolution, with the option to engage with the Red Hat success team to resolve the issue if necessary."

      This story captures examining other Intercom features like the 'onboarding checklist' and 'new product feature alerts,' and how they could or could not fit into the overall ROSA experience and what potential conflicts might arise in ConsoleDot with Pendo, feedback mechanism and other existing functionality.

      Related doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fRqt84gr64vHg17gPRLnLWLIzrc3Qz_g3_wzRg8wmU0/edit#heading=h.9edt8w5ja2la


      • Determine what role (if any) the Newsfeed feature should play in the ROSA experience
      • Determine what role (if any) the Checklist feature should play in the ROSA experience
      • How would these features interact with any equivalent Pendo functionality?
        • And other overlapping console features for learning, announcements, feedback, etc?
      • Sync with beaumorley and RHTAP UX team to confirm Intercom efforts are coordinated

      Outcome - definition of Done - targeted for sprint 234/235 



            khatchou Kevin Hatchoua
            pkreuser Peter Kreuser
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
