Resolution: Done
Admin UXD Sprint 234, Admin UXD Sprint 235
The Golden Path Story describes:
"When he lands on the Red Hat console in the ROSA section, he receives an automated welcome notification in-console. The notification provides digital getting started material for ROSA, Containers, and building AI applications."
Some thought should be given to how this Intercom interaction fits into the rest of the console experience, and how it relates to other in-console tools like Pendo.
- Determine how a welcome message should be presented to ROSA users, including what text and what links should appear
- Determine when the message should appear (for what pages?)
- Is Intercom enabled for all of the OpenShift bundle? Or just certain ROSA pages?
- Determine who should be presented the message (first-time page visitors? users in some segment? all visitors?)
- How should this message appear in relation to Pendo?
- Meet with UX content to confirm content accuracy and consistency
- Sync with beaumorley and RHTAP UX team to confirm Intercom efforts are coordinated
Deliverables/DoD - Targeted for April 21st to leave time for implementation by end of the month
- Workflow & designs completed
- Review with all relevant stakeholders including spurtell1@redhat.com jgouldin.openshift
Outcome - Make it easier for users to understand and navigate the Hybrid Cloud Console. Enabling them to create a ROSA cluster with ease.