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  1. OpenShift UX Product Design
  2. PD-1495

UX improvements to reduce common ROSA cluster creation errors


    • [UX] Reduce common ROSA cluster creation errors
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • In Progress
    • 25% To Do, 0% In Progress, 75% Done
    • Admin UXD Sprint 233, Admin UXD Sprint 234, Admin UXD Sprint 235, Admin UXD Sprint 236

      Background Info

      We have data on what errors users are commonly experiencing, can we determine what these errors mean and if there is anything UX can do to prevent the user from experiencing them?

      Data: ROSA Error Deep Dive (New ROSA Users Mar 6-12, 2023): https://analytics.amplitude.com/redhat/dashboard/oi71ye2

      There’s two more dashboards of errors per OS version 4.11 and 4.12:
      4.11.x - https://analytics.amplitude.com/redhat/dashboard/odipfrf
      4.12.x - https://analytics.amplitude.com/redhat/dashboard/7arg19j

      OCM UI error messages for translation: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fJpmq0qDUfrhbryyZHFX5Lfg1iFG2LWelzKac_H3dq0/edit#gid=0


      • Examine the commonly occurring errors via the ROSA Error Deep Dive dashboard to determine which to focus on
      • Determine how the user gets these error messages, and if there is any validation or helper text we can add to prevent them from occurring in the first place
      • If we are unable to prevent the error from occurring, can it be a candidate for PD-1502 to use Intercom to help them find a solution?

      Definition of Done - targeted for [sprint/date]

      Designs & Other Artifacts

            pkreuser Peter Kreuser
            pkreuser Peter Kreuser
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            2 Start watching this issue
