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  1. OpenShift UX Product Design
  2. PD-1491

Ensure ROSA content is discoverable in console.redhat.com (ROSA wayfinding on console)


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Admin UXD Sprint 233, Admin UXD Sprint 234, Admin UXD Sprint 235

      This story captures a few ROSA wayfinding topics:

      1. Users may be brought into console from a ROSA marketing site, and specifically land on a ROSA-specific page like the "get started" page. If they navigate back to a top level console page they should be able to find the ROSA-related content. Could search play a role here?
      2. ROSA-specific content includes the new "get started" page that was created via PD-1414. It should be determined if this is sufficient for users navigating to console of if another page is needed with more ROSA information (if so, page would be captured via new design story)
      3. A new OpenShift Overview page is being created via PD-1425, and it should be confirmed how this page fits into the overall ROSA wayfinding path (including marketing and other unauthenticated documentation sites)

      These 3 items could likely be captured via one overall flow, to determine the answer to each.

      Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMd0qgRU=/

            tle@redhat.com Thi Le (Inactive)
            pkreuser Peter Kreuser
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
