Resolution: Done
XCMSTRAT-163 - OCM and product overview pages for improving awareness and navigation
Admin Sprint 227, Admin UXD Sprint 228, Admin UXD Sprint 233, Admin UXD Sprint 234, Admin UXD Sprint 235, Admin UXD Sprint 236, Admin UXD Sprint 237
Background Info
Today a user that visits the OpenShift (OCM) bundle is initially landed on the Cluster list. If no clusters exist, the user is prompted to create a cluster. The user can also switch to the Overview page and some amount of information will be shown about available services that can run on OpenShift, though this page hasn't been updated in some time.
There is a need for a landing place inside of the OpenShift bundle that orients a (new) user to what OpenShift can do for them and what OpenShift offerings there are, as well as likely what services they can use with OpenShift. Consideration should be given to how this page fits into an existing user's experience too, would they want to see this information or just info about their clusters.
- Determine what information about OpenShift and it's offerings should be reflected to users (new and existing)
- Determine what CTAs are needed for each OpenShift offering, and if there is need for additional product-specific pages in console (additional UX story)
- Determine how related services can be cross-sold to users
- Confirm this page is not a hinderance to existing users that might be mostly interested in viewing info about their clusters
- Make sure this page fits into the overall working group around console landing pages, led by kmarchan and maryshak1996
- Users may be brought into console from a ROSA marketing site, and specifically land on a ROSA-specific page like the "get started" page. Confirm if they navigate back to a top level console page that they can be find the ROSA-related content, likely via this new overview page. Also, could search play a role here?
- How would the left nav be affected by this new pages presence?
Definition of Done - targeted for 236
- Create design deliverable capturing Goal deliverables
- Link design in this story
- Review with all relevant stakeholders including rhn-engineering-abhgupta spurtell1@redhat.com
Designs & Other Artifacts
- is depended on by
HAC-2402 [ROSA Wizard] Account and Roles (step 1)
- Closed
- is related to
PD-1424 OCM Navigation updates
- Closed
PD-1414 [ROSA] 'Getting started' page
- Closed
PD-1555 UX content: OpenShift bundle (OCM) "overview" or "landing" page
- Closed
- relates to
PD-1490 Generic outline of a (day 0) service landing/overview page that appears on console.redhat.com
- Closed