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  1. OpenShift UX Product Design
  2. PD-1438

Enhance dynamic plugin alignment between hub and spoke clusters


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • Admin
    • None

      User stories
      As a hub cluster admin, I want to know when a dynamic plugin version is not in sync with a spoke cluster.
      This could mean
      1. The hub does not have the operator installed that is on the spoke and therefore can not provide a UI to interact with it.
      2. The versions of the plugin on the hub vs the spoke clusters could be different.
      3. The spoke could be missing an operator that is installed on the hub.
      4. Spoke cluster could be running an old version of the plugin and the hub is running a new version and it's not backward compatible.

      Inform a hub cluster user when they have operators that are not in sync with the spoke clusters via the UI. (different version, not installed). We need to determine where the users are informed of this - the installed operator page. The notification drawer?

      Via the about modals of the clusters show the plugins and their versions.

      Can we load the plugin UI from the spoke on the hub? - Ali is asking Sam this, and will report back.
      No, we can't do this - so we'll have just to warn them that the hub does not have a spoke operator installed. We should investigate if we can allow an action to install the operator.

            shirshbe@redhat.com Shiran Hirshberg
            ygalanti Yuval Galanti
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            2 Start watching this issue
