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  1. OpenShift UX Product Design
  2. PD-1330

Improve user experience for MultiCluster Engine user


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • KNI
    • None
    • Improve user experience for MultiCluster Engine user
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • To Do
    • 0
    • 0% 0%

      TL:DR See this Deck for a good end to end story


      With the NEW MCE experience we need to focus on what the user flows are for different scenarios. 

      Uses cases

      1. The user has an existing cluster and installs the MCE operator.

      2. The user creates their cluster through the Assisted Installer and chooses the multicluster engine option.

      3. The user creates their first cluster (cluster 0) through the BILLI installer and gets MCE by default.

      In these different flows the user may(1,2) or may not (3) expect to see something. In any case we should aim to help them better understand what they can now do with cluster creation. 

      This also provides us an ability to help a user prepare for the prerequisites that will be presented to him if he immediately jumps into the cluster creation wizard.


      Some areas to focus on:

      Operator description / details page

      Currently the MCE operator is difficult to find and the content is not written in a way that clearly describes why it would be a good starting point for a user.

      The Operators could be more closely connected - For a user who discovers ACM first should/could we point them to MCE as a good starting point and vice versa (MCE to ACM for advanced usage)?

      When the operator is installed inform the user that there is a new UI added. (existing design story already available).

      Getting started help

      When the operator is installed the user is advised to refresh the page and is sent to the overview page. We should improve this experience. There is not indication that there is a new cluster switcher added. Once the user lands on the "All clusters" view we do not help them with what they could do next.

      Improved Cluster switcher experience 

      There was already design work done around this, it would be nice to get it picked up again.


      Miro - exploring the different options

      Cluster switcher designs



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            mcarleto Matthew Carleton
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