Resolution: Done
Strategic Product Work
OCPSTRAT-648 - (Tech Preview) 'oc adm upgrade status' command
OTA 248, OTA 249, OTA 250, OTA 251, OTA 252
Expose 'Result of work' as structured JSON in a ClusterVersion condition (ResourceReconciliationIssues? ReconciliationIssues). This would allow oc to explain what the CVO is having trouble with, without needing to reach around the CVO and look at ClusterOperators directly (avoiding the risk of latency/skew between what the CVO thinks it's waiting on and the current ClusterOperator content). And we could replace the current Progressing string with more information, and iterate quickly on the oc side. Although if we find ways we like more to stringify this content, we probably want to push that back up to the CVO so all clients can benefit.
We want to do this work behind a feature gate OTA-1169.
Definition of Done
- All code added for this effort must be conditional on the UpgradeStatus feature gate (added in https://github.com/openshift/api/pull/1725 so we will need to bump o/api in CVO).
- CVO will have a new .status.conditions item with type==ReconciliationIssues
- When CVO encounters an "issue" (more details on issues below) while applying a resource, the condition value is True and message is a JSON with all issues encountered
- Reason values can be invented as necessary
- When no issue is encountered, condition is False
- Reconciliation issue is when CVO cannot reach desired state for the given resource in the given sync loop - this will differ between upgrading and reconciling mode. In upgrading mode CVO needs to report things like waiting on ClusterOperators going out of Available=False/Degraded=True, waiting for deployments to go ready etc. In reconciling mode we should report failures to apply.
Note that a condition with Message containing a JSON instead of a human-readable message is against apimachinery conventions and is VERY poor API method in general. The purpose of this story is simply to experiment with how such API could like, and will inform how we will build it in the future. Do not worry too much about tech debt, this is exploratory code.
- blocks
OTA-1160 Expose "how long has this CO been updating"
- Closed
- is blocked by
OTA-1169 Get a feature gate for server-side upgrade status work
- Closed
- is related to
OTA-1154 status: remove ClusterVersion condition information from the top of the output
- Closed
- split to
OCPBUGS-30080 Placeholder versions not replaced in CVO manifests when release is built
- New
- links to