Resolution: Obsolete
Reduce time/effort to keep up with Istio and make OSSM releases
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
One of the most common reasons cited for not using OpenShift Service Mesh has been the gap between OSSM (Maistra) supported Istio releases and upstream Istio.
Upstream Istio has been a fast moving project - releasing quarterly, thus the only way to stay closer to upstream will be to increase our release cadence. We need to balance that many customers today want to work with a more recent Istio release, while customers will also not want to upgrade as quickly as upstream.
Thus, we would like to have 2-3 Service Mesh releases per year. With N-2 support, this would provide customers with a approximately a year of support per OSSM release.
To achieve this, we need to:
a) Reduce the time/effort to update Maistra with the latest Istio
b) Reduce the time/effort to make an OSSM release.
B has additional benefits beyond keeping up with Istio - as it will reduce the overhead involved with making both "Z" releases and larger releases, allowing our small team to focus more on feature development and being responsive to customer requests.
- is related to
OSSM-262 Maistra - Improve Process Automation
- Closed